Thursday, December 14, 2006


Plunkett is the association responsible for looking after children under 5 years old and their families. When your baby is about 3 months old they get the mums together and have structured sessions on things like CPR, active movement, first foods. Then they encourage you to continue to meet together for mutual support. Some groups gel and work out (Carolyn's group are still friends and meeting up and her daughter is now 5 years old), some don't. Anyway, ours has been together for 2 whole months! We've been meeting fortnightly but still at the stage where we just talk about what our babies are doing - really gripping stuff, though it's amazing how much we can talk about teeth and sleep and poo! A couple of us suggested that we'd porbably get to know each other better if we met up every week so yesterday we went to the Blue Rooster (my favourite cafe, though they've changed the loyalty card so you have to buy 10 coffees/hot chocoltaes to get one free whereas it used to be only 5!). We totally took over the bar area and decided the huge leather sofas were just a good size to line our babies up and take a photo.

So here's our Plunkett group: from left to right - Tessa, Finlay, Braedan, Emma, Matthew, Ruby, Bradley and Evie!

Ah - how cute! What you can't see is that we had to give Matthew a toy because he kept hitting out at Ruby and you may spot Bradley pulling on Ruby's neckerchief - he wanted to suck on it and go to sleep! Poor little girl - she got the worst spot to sit! Finlay was very tired and about to lose teh plot and Emma nearly slipped and lay down chewing on her feet! Can you imagine the carnage when they're all moving?!


Richard England said...

We think they all look like brothers & sisters!! Kath & Rich

cliff&suse said...

That is cute!!!