Monday, May 09, 2005

Still Here!

We're sorry we've not been very communicative but we are still here! It's one of those "so much to write I don't know where to start so will leave it yet another day/week/month until I can face it!" Well, here is the start.
March was quite a busy month; church stuff in full swing and deepening friendships. We've realised over the last couple of weeks that we talk about seeing 'friends' now as opposed to merely people who we don't have an emotional attachment to. That seems a development in terms of settling in though still do feel horribly homesick from time to time.
The major event of March was 'Easter Camp' - a Christian camp over the Easter weekend that we took 8 of our youth to so they could join with the other 2,500 teenagers in having lots of fun & not very much sleep! The weather, which had been gorgeous for the majority of the month, changed on the Thursday but the rain was a blessing in that it softened the ground enough for tent pegs but didn't turn the whole site into a swamp (unlike the previous year when they had to send people home!). It did rain on & off for the rest of the weekend but not enough to spoil the fun. Our kids were pretty well behaved and their wildly differing personalities meant they got very different things out of the whole experience. We managed to sleep well once the campsite was quiet (about 1am which I didn't think was actually that bad) and it wasn't too cold but 4 nights camping in the middle of autumn did take its toll on the group with nearly everyone having to have time off school/work in the following week to recover from colds etc.


Emma Andrews said...

Hi guys!
Great to hear more news! Hope you are well! Tried calling last night but a bit worried that I got the time difference a bit wrong! Hope to catch up soon!
Lots of love, Ems and Dan.xx

Andrew Dowsett said...

Hi guys,
Great to hear you break your silence! Been thinking about you often, and check for new posts regularly (no guilt trip intended). Glad to hear you are establishing friendships there - that will make a real difference...

Lots of love,
Andrew, & Jo.

(By the way, the TOM website is nearly ready to go live, and I've taken the liberty of linking to your blog from it.)

Tchad said...

hey buddy things are going well here, we'll keep praying for you guys ;-)

Tchad and Andrea