Saturday, November 06, 2004

What a glorious week!

Another week has passed and it has been glorious! The most consistent weather we have had since we've been here and the bonus is that it's warm and sunny! On Tuesday, we took a picnic to Mount Thomas Forest. It's great having days off in the week because places that are rammed at the weekend are deserted on week days. We were enjoying our food until we realised that we were food for sandflies - the blaggards! They draw blood and the bites itch for days. Now we know, we can go armed with repellent! However, we did have a lovely walk, more honeydew (by the way, that was what the obscure sideways picture was...), better views and found a great stream to paddle in.
On Wednesday, we were supposed to meet someone for lunch but somehow we seemed to miss each other. Conveniently we had arranged to meet at Northlands Mall, the largest shopping centre in NZ. So not one to waste a shopping opportunity (this is Natalie talking) we checked it out. The food court was great and we had the best curry, in fact only curry place we have seen, to date. We also made a couple of purchases including jeans for Natalie, which is a miracle!
Last night was our youth 'Firework Frenzy', although it was slightly hi-jacked by some parents who staged a mutiny because they didn't want to miss out! Our first BBQ, very easy - they all have gas! (don't quote us on that as we might be libel!) Rockets are banned here, so it was quite tame but very pretty and we managed to shower youth with flaming falling debris! They loved it and are fine.

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