Saturday, April 21, 2007

Easter holidays

Not really sure that 'Easter holidays' is the best title as we've had one, quite long holiday but the photos to follow are from our time away with family and friends over the last couple of weeks.
We've had time catching up with the Simms crew, where Matthew learned to crawl/slide down the stairs as well as up! This photo is a rare one with Matthew and his Nanna Simms, very rare because Lis is usually taking the photos or Matthew is bouncing so much they are all blurred.

We also spent some lovely quality time with the Hewson family in Sheffield, including a day around Chatsworth House.

There was lots of love between Sam and Matthew too, on occasions, so much that Matthew was overwhelmed!

We got to catch up with the Manserghs too, including good conversation with Anna and John while our boys slept (hooray!) and frolics (and a rather nasty fall for Elijah which resulted in a fair amount of blood) and ice-cream in "my park".

Hanging out is much different now with small children in the mix but just as fun and so good for us.
Also met some special friends from times gone by (I don't mean that to sound like I'm really old, it's just those seasons seem a long, long time ago now...) down at Philadelphia on Easter day morning. Matthew also had his first haircut and sampled his first chocolate - obviously a winner if you think about his gene pool!

Lastly we spent time with the Shepherds (though minus Christopher) in Hartlepool where we got to see our gorgeous neice, Emma, now walking!

Matthew had his first trip to a farm. He was far more impressed with the ride-on tractors than the animals but then we knew that would be the case!

Now we're back in the still sunny and warm Bristol but the holiday is well and truly over and Neil has started work - all going ok and only one joke from the pupils about having Shepherd's pie for tea!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Feeding Time at the Zoo

The past month has been quite frustrating food wise as Matthew has become very unpredictable in what he will eat and when. Anyway, yesterday evening, he was playing with his spoon having decided he'd had enough tea (I say tea, it was the beef casserole with weetabix because that's the only way he'd eat it!) when he grabbed the bowl off the table and began to scoop some onto his spoon and feed himself - none of which he's been remotely inclined to do before!